Java developers play a significant role in the software development process for your business. Therefore, it’s crucial to identify which one of your potential employees meets your requirements the best.
Every Java developer must have a will to learn and improve since trends are continuously changing. Nevertheless, there are many other vital aspects you have to consider when you want to hire Java developer online to help your company grow fast and achieve the desired development results.
Before starting the hiring process, it’s valuable to have a plan and know what to look for precisely; therefore, let’s see what you should look for and provide your business with top-rated Java developers.
Excellent Problem-Solving Skills
Before we address the technical aspect of Java developers’ qualifications, first, let’s see one essential soft skill, and that is problem-solving. Read more about how to hire JavaScript developer.
This skill is as important as all other technical skills that your future developer should have since it’s more than challenging to solve practical issues. Your developer has to have the talent to keep trying to solve any problem and know how to analyze and approach all challenges.
In addition, they need to understand design, algorithms, data structures, and all other related issues to have excellent problem-solving skills and make your company better. You should see if they have experience and a sense of how to split complex goals into simpler ones, avoid over-abstracting, and approach problems with always knowing that there is a solution somewhere, no matter what happens.
It won’t mean anything to you if the developer knows how to square a number in Java if they don’t have a sense of control when things get out of hand.
Good Communication Skills
Yet another essential soft skill is communication, actually in most professions, but especially when it comes to hiring a Java developer. Good communication is what will make your developer a lot better, and if you want to create a highly effective team of experts, you have to hire employees that can communicate easily and without interruptions.
Naturally, good communication skills are also extremely important for the developer’s interaction with your clients. Your Java developer needs to have the quality and ability to speak clearly because that’s the only way people will pay attention to every single detail, which is important.
In addition, communication is not only about knowing how to speak to people who don’t understand development as well as the developer, but it’s also about knowing how to listen. You should find a Java developer who spends almost the same time talking and listening.
That’s why you need to hire a person that won’t interrupt colleagues and clients and will know how to listen since the customer has the last word in most situations. The goal is to make them happy by achieving the desired results. Once again, it doesn’t mean a lot of your future Java developers know what is encapsulation in Java if they don’t know how to communicate it with others.
Knowledge of Libraries and APIs
When it comes to more technical skills, a Java developer needs to have a certain knowledge of libraries and APIs. They must be aware of the third-party libraries and APIs since there are several open-source libraries for the Java development process.
Some of the most significant ones include the Apache Commons library, which has 43 modular libraries with the quality to cover domains such as Caching, I/O Utils, Math, Database, and many more. Furthermore, the popular Google Guava libraries have a Java collections framework extension, caching, concurrency utilities, I/O utilities, etc. Last but not least, a Java developer must also have knowledge of Jackson API, Log4j 2, and other logging libraries if you want to hire someone to enhance the development process.
Unit Testing Skills
Unit testing skills are vital because testing is one of the essential parts of every development process. There is a lot that your Java developer can learn in the area of unit testing, and if their skills are at a high level, this means that they have excellent coding skills and are a professional developer who takes their work seriously.
There are many unit testing tools that a Java developer can use, and it’s not so much about what is their means of choice but a lot more about how well they do their testing. You can check several assignments or as many as you think would be necessary to see how good your potential developer is in this area.
Expertise with DevOps Tools
One of the most must-know skills when it comes to Java is DevOps tools. Your developer will prove to you that they are skilled enough to be employed if they upgrade themselves all the time. It’s beneficial if they improve their skills, such as continuous integration, deployment, etc. In short, the DevOps model relies on efficient tooling in order to help developers to innovate and deploy for their/your buyers in a quicker way that is more reliable.
The knowledge of DevOps tools will help them automate manual tasks, manage complex environments, and so on. They have to know how to implement the best coding practices, and in order to do so, they have to understand how to create scripts and manuals.
Therefore, it’s beneficial to see if your potential employee has knowledge of Jenkins, Docker, and other tools.
To Sum It All Up
Now you know what you should look for when hiring Java developers online, and don’t forget that with an online global talent network, you get a larger talent pool. With these guidelines in mind, you should be well on your way to finding the right Java developer for your next project. And don’t forget that by working with an online global talent network, you can access a larger pool of top talent from around the world. If you need any assistance throughout the hiring process, a PEO Philippines can help you every step of the way.
Remember to check for soft skills such as good communication and excellent problem-solving skills, but most certainly address the technical side and their knowledge of APIs and libraries, expertise with DevOps tools, and unit testing skills since a great Java developer is one that has both soft and technical skills.
So, one thing remains for you to do: start hiring immediately since your competitors are already searching for the best Java developers on the global market!