Did you know that children only have an attention span of 2-3 minutes for each year of their age?
As the brain develops and children grow, they can sit still for long periods and focus on schoolwork. Unfortunately, children with ADHD don’t adjust as quickly and have a much shorter attention span.
If your little one has attention issues, keep reading to discover the best strategies to improve focus and concentration!
Develop Engaging Lessons
One of the best ways to improve focus and concentration for children with ADHD is to create engaging lessons.
Hands-on learning experiences are typically more successful in teaching concepts to children. Whether you’re a teacher or parent, trying to see your child succeed, you can create fun ways to help them learn.
Diagnosis of ADHD in schools is common. You will find that most teachers already have tools and strategies in place, to keep students engaged.
Take Things One Step at a Time
The best tip for keeping kids focused is to take it one step at a time.
Most lessons build upon previous ones. If your child was already falling behind, it’ll only get worse. By taking lessons one step at a time, you need to ensure they understand the content before moving forward.
It may involve more time studying, but if you keep them engaged, it won’t go as slowly.
Prepare for Restlessness
Concentration at school can be a challenge for any student, let alone kids with ADHD.
It’s common for kids with ADHD to get restless, and sometimes it can disrupt the class. Certain resources, like the wobble stool linked here, can help relieve some of their energy.
Giving children a way to relieve tension without having to get up and walk around can increase productivity in the classroom. Fidget toys and sensory tools can be placed near desks and don’t cost much.
Incorporate Breaks
Sometimes attention issues develop because children aren’t getting enough fresh air or breaks.
Once children start getting bored and disinterested in a lesson, they focus on something else. Including breaks throughout the day can help them relieve energy and give their brain a moment to absorb the info.
Depending on your child’s age, you can do many short breaks during a lesson, or have longer, but fewer breaks.
Observe the Child’s Responses
Each child has a unique way of learning and depending on the topic, their learning styles can change.
When you’re working with ADHD students, pay attention to their grades, body language, and communication. If you’re only focused on worksheets and tests, you’ll overlook the issues that are holding them back.
Don’t be afraid to start a conversation with your child or student to better understand their perspective and preferences.
Will Your Child Improve Focus and Concentration
Excitement and restlessness can prevent even the smartest children from excelling in school.
By utilizing these tips, you can help your child improve focus and concentration. Children learn much faster and retain info when they have enough time to absorb it and get hands-on experiences.
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